You have come to the right place, welcome. For many of our clients this is their first time in a law office, and so, our goal is to make you feel as comfortable as possible. We also want to empower you with information. Please download attorney Van Smith’s book on Divorce & Custody in Virginia, and then call us to schedule your SMARTSTART comprehensive case preparation meeting. More than a consultation—we’ll develop, together, a plan of action for your divorce or custody matter.
There are no two identical divorce and custody cases. Every family is unique in their own way, and facing a unique set of circumstances and challenges. For some, these circumstances may seem insurmountable; for others, they look at the issue and wonder whether they even need an attorney to accomplish their seemingly simple goals. A word of caution--we have found that most "simple" family law cases are much more complex than at first glance, and even the most seemingly complicated cases can be resolved with focus, time and preparation leading to a skillful, negotiated agreement.