Protective orders can serve a valuable function when domestic violence issues are involved in a divorce.  Children may not be involved in a protective order, though, which oftentimes exists solely between parents. 

How, then, do parents navigate picking up and dropping off children, when contact between them is legally limited?

One solution is to have a third party, neutral meeting place.  This might be a family friend's house, for instance.  The children would be dropped off here, and then picked up by the other parent. 

If a child has to go to the hospital, what is the process for alerting both parents, and for allowing access to that child?  A detailed plan needs to be developed for these scenarios.

We are here to help you work through these challenges. Call 804-325-1245 to meet with our attorneys in Richmond, or 757-941-4298 to meet with an attorney in the Williamsburg area.

H. Van Smith
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Trusted Virginia Attorney Serving Richmond to Williamsburg