Listed below are resources offered in the greater Richmond area for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.  It is critically important that victims understand where to turn for help during a crisis situation, and in the recovery period that follows. 

Crisis Hotlines

(All are available 24 hours)

YMCA:  (804) 643-0888 (Richmond)

The James House: (804) 458-2840

Virginia Family Violence and Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-838-8238

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE

Chesterfield Mental Health: (804) 748-6356


Counseling and Support Groups

YWCA: Free individual counseling and support groups offered for adults and teens; two confidential emergency shelters also offered. (804) 643-0888 (Richmond)

Chesterfield County Domestic Violence Resource Center: Free individual counseling for ages 16 and older. (804) 318-8265

Chesterfield County Community Services Board: Comprehensive mental health services for victims of sexual assault and their families offered. (804) 748-1227

The James House: Offers free individual counseling and support groups for teens and adults. (804) 458-2840


Online Information

United States Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime Site containing a wealth of information for victims of crime and links to resources. 

Virginia Department of Health, Center for Injury and Violence Prevention   Contains statistical data about sexual violence, resource materials and information on prevention.

Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance Contains statistical data, information about sexual violence and links to resources, training and related public policy material for victims.